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SES Emergency Analyses
1.0 Introduction to SES
1.1 How SES Impacts Subway Design (9:57)
1.2 Course Explanation (7:52)
2.0 Terminology and Performing Simulations
2.1 Analysis Terminology (8:28)
2.2 Computer Folder Setup (10:50)
2.3 SES and Tools Setup (4:34)
2.4 Perform Simulations (Runs) (13:28)
3.0 Documentation and Form 1
3.1 Naming Convention (2:32)
3.2 Form 1A and 1B Text (9:47)
3.3 Calculations and Registers (7:14)
3.4 Form 1C Text (4:07)
3.5 Next-In and Form 1A to 1H (8:29)
4.0 Network Diagram (Form 2A)
4.1 Terminology (8:26)
4.2 Sectioning (9:09)
4.3 Network Diagram (10:20)
4.4 Input Form 2A (10:42)
4.5 Documentation of Data and Model (6:50)
5.0 Tunnel Geometry (Form 3 and 6)
5.1 Tunnel Cross-section (Form 3 Part 1 of 2) (6:30)
5.2 Input Tunnel Segments (Form 3 Part 2 of 2) (12:31)
5.3 Loss Coefficients and Portals (5:50)
5.4 Nodes Part 1 of 2 (Form 6) (12:53)
5.5 Crossover Sectioning (10:25)
5.6 Crossover Input (Forms 2, 3, and 6) (14:05)
5.7 Input Crossover to Next-In (8:28)
6.0 Station Geometry (Form 2, 3, and 6)
6.1 Nodes Part 2 of 2 (Form 6) (11:14)
6.2 Station Sections, Network Diagram, and Nodes (12:02)
6.3 Station Segments, K-Loss, and Forms (7:03)
6.4 Input Station to Model (6:14)
6.5 Dummy Station Inputs (1:57)
7.0 Fans and Vent Shafts
7.1 Fan Library Technique (Form 7A & 7B) (13:19)
7.2 Vent Shafts (Form 2B, 5, and 6) (8:34)
7.3 Jet Fans (Form 7C) (5:12)
7.4 Cross-passageways for Fire Scenarios (9:32)
8.0 Train Data for Emergency (Form 8, 9, and 10)
8.1 Train Routing (Form 8) (11:47)
8.2 Train Geometry (Form 9) (5:46)
8.3 Initial Train Location (Form 10) (4:42)
9.0 Fire Simulations (Form 1G, 3, 4, 12, and 13)
9.1 Fire Model (Form 4, 1G, and 3) (13:56)
9.2 Setup Fire Scenarios (Form 12 and 13) (9:36)
9.3 Documenting Fire Simulations (10:20)
9.4 Performing Fire Simulations (14:39)
10.0 Post-Processing
10.1 SES Output Files (10:28)
10.2 Predict Hot Airflow (5:25)
10.3 Tunnel Residual Pressure (9:40)
10.4 Quality Check (10:57)
Conclusion (1:20)
7.1 Fan Library Technique (Form 7A & 7B)
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